Return & Exchange

Returns & Exchanges
We will gladly accept returns for most products within 30 days of receiving them, provided that they fulfill the following conditions:
•    The product has not been used
•    The product is still in its original packaging
•    The product has not been customized
Please note that our 30-day return policy is based on the delivery times for each specific product listed on the carrier's website, and not on the delivery of the entire order. It is important to know that we will not accept returns if the product(s) have been marked as delivered for more than 30 days at the time the return process was initiated.
Defective products, products damaged upon receipt and incorrect products received can be returned without penalty. Your shipping charges will be cancelled. When we receive your return, we will inspect the product and refund your money.
Recommendations and important reminders
•    Please reach out to us before initiating a return to discuss any issues you may be have with the product.
•    As a general rule, we recommend returning defective products through the post office rather than through courier services such as DHL or UPS.
•    Please email to [email protected] and our Customer Service department will provide you with our return address and instructions. 

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